Everyday User Experience Tip of the Day.

How to keep photos the original size when sending to a destination.

If you’re like me I take a good amount of photos with a phone. In result I like to send them via my phone but I don’t want to lose the picture quality when I send them. Some phones only allow a certain size picture file to be sent when using MMS Text Message and force the file to be condensed. If your phone settings don’t allow you to change the file size default, you have other options.

Try to use e-mail and send as an attachment. Cloud services like Dropbox and Box.net allow you to share content with others. These avenues do not change the file size and keeps the quality of the photo intact.

If you need help in finding out what way to send photos works best for you, let me know in the comments section. If have a suggestion that will accomplish the same goal let us know.

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